Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day.

Have you wish your mother something that may please her? People has different ways to please their mother, what ever it is, the reason is because we love her, we love our mother. Some says, without them, we are not here, that was totaly true yet how authentic was your love to your mother? this is an issue that only you can justify thus answer..


Kopisanangan tompenai ngawai toisanan, id kosiwatan t, mamason oku kopivosian tadau tagazo doh kamaatan kuma toinsanan' alansan oku osogit sogit tokou kasari om tamangan tokou dah kasari minamangun moi doh lidas kasari sari id nunu nopo buruon tokou. Friends out there, wishing you all a prosperous harvest festival, lets continue to uphold love and peace in this beautiful country.